What’s it like when your dreams start to become reality?
It’s a surreal feeling. All the hard work, set-backs, tears, and sweat in the process become worth it.
This week we bought our first load of cattle. I’m not sure I can even put into words how excited we are…To be at the point where we are buying cattle to fill our new ranch is invigorating!
About 6 months ago we made the biggest decision of our lives. We set out on a journey, just our little family of 5. We left everything we ever knew and where we were both born and raised. We sold all our cattle and some ranch equipment. We packed up our entire ranch in California.
And we moved cross country to Missouri.
It wasn’t easy. There was a lot of tears, sweat, and prayers involved. We had anxious hearts but some big dreams! We have never doubted once that God wasn’t in this life changing decision…. So, we continued to press on.
And this week we got to see just how good God is. This week marks the start to our livelihood here in Missouri, and we are ready!
When your dreams feel too massive to comprehend. When you feel like they will never become reality, press on. Pray, work hard, and if you have to, shed a tear or two. But know, when God has a plan for you nothing will be too big, too hard, or too crazy to accomplish.
“If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31
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