I don’t usually follow along with all the “National” days that are out there…. It would be a full-time job to stay up to speed with every single National Day! I swear there is one for everything…
However, in honor of National Women’s Day this week, I thought I should participate in this one. I don’t take lightly the fact that God chose me and my husband to raise up 3 daughters.
My prayer for them is that they always know how strong, capable, and smart they are. I pray that they know that there is a big world out there and that they can do big things in it. I pray that they know that they have a purpose right here on this earth.
But did you know that is all true for YOU as well?
Sometimes we can get in a rut and forget that God gave us a specific purpose, when He put us on this earth. We can forget that we are strong, capable, and smart in the areas that God has placed us in. We forget that when we dream big, God gives us the tools and skills to make them come to reality.
And in our moments of forgetfulness, we get frustrated. We wonder why nothing is going right. And we start to believe we have a bad life.
But don’t mistake a bad attitude for a bad life.
When our attitudes are sour, we start to think everything is going wrong. Instead of seeing the moments and parts that are going right.
I fall into this trap far too often…. And it’s just not where God wants us to be. So, if you find yourself there don’t stay there too long. It’s a dangerous spot!
Luckily I have a few tricks up my sleeve to pull me out of the funk as quickly as possible…
Top 3 Attitude Adjusters:
1. Pray
I know this sounds simple and cliché… but its number one for a reason. A lot of times when my attitude needs adjusting it’s because I have stopped praying. And when you stop praying it leaves room for Satan to move in.
Pray about everything. Pray over the dishes. Pray over the laundry. Pray over your errands. Pray over what to make for dinner. I find when I am praying without ceasing, I have less room for a bad attitude. All of a sudden, I find myself thankful for these little mundane tasks instead of bitterness towards them.
2. Get outside and move your body.
I am not someone who enjoys working out. In fact, I start and stop working out more times than I can count. But this one is so important to get your blood flowing and to clear your mind.
Get outside, let the sun hit your face, let the wind blow through your hair, and walk. It doesn’t need to be fast… it doesn’t even have to be a workout. Just movement in the fresh air helps clear all the sour attitudes out of your bones.
If you can do this by yourself, great! But a lot of times I have kiddos riding bikes or walking with me. That’s okay. Leaving the mess and the to do list at home and walking outside seems to always put everything back into perspective. Even if I have company. 😉
3. Make a list.
Not a to do list. A list of all the good. Keep the bad off this list because we all know we can come up with way more bad then good.
Write down every little thing you can think of that’s good right now. And if you can’t think of anything good, start with “I am breathing today”. Because I promise if you woke up this morning, your purpose here on this earth has not been completed.
Take this list and hang it somewhere that you can see it often. Keep adding to it. Hopefully as the days go on you will be adding more pages.
I pray that you know that you matter. That you have a purpose. And that you won’t let any circumstance or sour attitude tell you differently.
Happy National Women’s week!
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