Meet Stephanie from The Ranchers Homestead
A simple living mom of 3 girls, a ranchers wife, and a gluten free from scratch cooking enthusiast. Stephanie loves to use what she can grow, raise, and preserve on her own land to provide healthy sustainable foods and products for her family.

Hi, I’m Stephanie!
I am so glad you are here! People often ask me how I have time to share all that I do. The quick answer is, I don’t know. But what I do know is that I have a very strong passion to help others and share all that I have learned and continue to learn over the years. My gluten free journey started over 30 years ago and to help others make good foods that are gluten free, is what keeps me going. I want everyone to know there is life after gluten and your food can taste good!
With this crazy world, you never know what the future holds but one things for sure. I will continue to share and help others however possible. If you want to join my homesteading/gluten free community, make sure to drop your email in the box to receive from scratch gluten free recipes, homesteading life, and simple living tips right to your inbox weekly!
Every subscriber get my FREE 5 Favorite Easy Crockpot Meals E-book upon subscribing!
Welcome to The Ranchers Homestead and my little space of the internet. My husband Clint and I, along with our 3 girls took the biggest leap of Faith 2 years ago when we moved our entire cattle operation cross country from California to Missouri. Clint is a 4th generation cattle rancher and with opportunities lacking in our industry in California, we decided to make the move.

It was one of the hardest decisions we have made but also one of the sweetest. We are building our cattle backgrounding operation and homestead from the ground up and together we are on a mission to grow, raise, and preserve as much as we can on our land. Working together as a family was our dream and that’s exactly what we are doing!
How I got started on this homesteading journey.
I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease when I was 5 years old and as the years have gone on each of my girls has shown signs of it too. Everything I cook is usually from scratch and always gluten free. I love to take you along in the kitchen to share some of my favorite gluten free recipes! Although I didn’t start out cooking from scratch.
When one of my daughters was 4 years old we noticed a small spot of eczema on one of her arms. We didn’t think much of it, eczema was normal so we were told. But as the months went on the eczema grew, despite my efforts to get rid of it topically. As it grew I started getting concerned. I bought every cream on the market, even those that claimed to rid your eczema in a matter of days!
Nothing worked.
It was in a moment of complete defeat, at 2am in the morning while I was soothing my crying 4 year who itched so bad, that I knew I had to find another way. The topical creams weren’t working.
So I searched. I searched anything that would heal my daughter.
After hours of searching, I stumbled upon a blog talking about food and healing from the inside out to get rid of eczema.
That’s when I knew.
I knew this was what we were missing all along. It was in that moment that something changed inside me. I started diving into our foods, into our household products, and into our medications. That’s when our homesteading journey began!
About me:
I was born and raised in a subdivision in the central valley of California. I have always had a country girl side and use to tell my parents “I was going to marry a cowboy with a big black truck and live like little house on the prairie.”
Well I met my cowboy in high school, ironically he had a big black truck, and we are now living out my dream. Just call me Ma Ingalls! 😉
I didn’t grow up in the country but always had a passion for country living. I guess you can say it was a little girl’s fantasy, but I knew in my heart it would be my reality one day. What I didn’t know was all the hard work and sacrifices, yet such beauty that comes from living on a ranch.
It’s something I truly love and have a passion for sharing as I grow and learn myself.
Working, playing, and growing together as a family here on The Ranchers Homestead.
One of Clint and my dreams was to work together on our own ranch. We wanted to be able to work as one family unit in all areas of our ranch.
In order to do this, we decided to homeschool our girls. Our oldest went to kindergarten at our local school in California, but after one year we decided we wanted to give our girls a different education.
One where you don’t just learn from a textbook. Where you can get your hands dirty experimenting, live in the every day moments of the ranch, and to see what hard work on a farm looks like.

This year will be our 6th year of homeschooling our girls. It has been one of the biggest blessings for our family!

As we learn and grow together, I love to share about it. You may find me talking about our homeschool from time to time, since it is a large part of our lives, but I don’t share too much about it here. However, I love to help others on their homeschooling journey, so always feel free to reach out!
Fun Facts About Me:
- I show love with food. If you come to my house, I will likely feed you something even if you are here for 10 minutes.
- Old fashion anything makes me happy. I don’t care much for modern décor but give me an antique Laura Ingalls memorabilia and I am one happy gal.
- Girls just run in my family… I have 1 sister, she has 2 daughters, and I have 3 daughters. Clint didn’t stand a chance!
- Reading is one of my favorite past times, hence how I fell in love with all things Little House on the Prairie as a small child.
- Clint and I have been together since we were 16 years old and I am 3 months older then him. He likes to remind me of that every year on my birthday, ha!
- I prefer hot things over cold things… hot coffee, always. Ice cream, no thank you.
- I have a bachelors degree in psychology and a minor in child development. Kids and education has always been my thing!
- Simple things are my jam… I don’t want or need much material things, I just need a good day making memories doing something simple, to be happy.
If you are new to The Ranchers Homestead community, here are a few of my most popular posts! I hope you stick around:
All Time Favorite Gluten Free Bread Recipe
Loaded Baked Potato Soup Recipe – with pressure canning instructions
How to Ferment Your Chicken Feed
Make sure to connect with us on Instagram , You Tube, Facebook or through email at [email protected]
I love hearing from you all 🤍
See you next time out on the ranch,