Are you wanting to start buying in bulk once a month, but don’t really know how to start?
I started buying in bulk and only grocery shopping once a month about 5 years ago. It started out, solely because I hated going to the grocery store with my 3 small girls.
What started out as just a way to avoid going to the grocery store every week, turned into a way of life that I can’t imagine not living!
So how do I shop only once a month and in bulk?
About 3 years ago I was told about Azure Standard. You place your order online and then go pick it up straight from the truck at a specific drop location, once a month.
What could be more convenient then shopping once a month in a store? Shopping once a month online and picking it up already packaged for you.
After my first order, I was hooked! This was exactly what I was looking for in convenience, good foods, and in bulk. Years later and I couldn’t imagine not using Azure Standard.
Throughout the month I slowly but surely add items to my Azure cart. As I run out of something or see something is getting low, I just simply put it in my cart right then and there.
When it comes time for my drop, I go pick everything up right from the truck! So easy!
Want to see what I got on my March Azure order?
Interested to see what some of the items I buy on Azure are? Check out the video below👇
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